Museum curator Lunga Smile and Board Members Leslie Witz and Noeleen Murray met the party at the Museum which was followed by a walking tour (without Leslie Witz who was injured!) before returning to the Museum to find out out more about U.S Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation which the Museum and the City (as the land owners) were keen to know more about.
Lunga Smile takes the party through the exhibtions in the Old Community Hall.
All photographs Noeleen Murray.
Seeting out on the walking tour. ( Left to right Sisa Ngondo and CCT colleague, Lunga Smile, US Embassy visitor and Mark Canning).
Mark Canning was instrumental in informing the Museum of the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation that his country had set up. Following this visit the Lwandle Museum set about making an application to this fund, with the aim of restoring Hostel 33, which by this time was beginning to need repairs which the Museum could not afford. The Museum was however mindful of the international competition and received the news of its nomination as the South African entry with great excitement, which was amplified when the final announcement came that Lwandle migrant Labour Museum’s application was granted the award internationally.
Standing outside the fast deteriorating Hostel 33 building.
Lunga Smile's accounts of hostel life inside Hostel 33 , with Mark Canning (left).
Without this substantial grant and the support and enthusiasm of the U.S Consulate in Cape Town - Mark in particular - the restoration of Hostel 33 would in all likelihood not be happening.
For more information about the Fund see:

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